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The fourth chapter of Tales of Dhvaras "TVERRBEKKLI" revisits the roots of songwriting

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

Why was a raw cut acoustic piece such as TVERRBEKKLI released? The purpose is to invite the listeners into the journey and the rawness behind it..not just looking for the perfect end outcome as mentioned on Instagram.

📷 Snorre Riksen. Listen to TVERRBEKKLI

Many songs from @talesofdhvaras are first played on acoustic guitar inspired by nature or situations of raw primitivity. A call to nature is always the nerve in the sound. The instrumental Tverrbekkli is a perfect example of a spontaneous raw cut that can be easily translated to a riff bomb if the inspiration is there. It may appear again reborn. A cranked up Marshall connected to my Gibson Explorer is the perfect moment to exploit the moment. What you hear then may be something reminding you about classic rock or black metal (genre debate is irrelevant cause the idea is not to fit in) but the melody and rythm is the foundation. In fact I started distancing myself from the metal scene in the nineties due to focus on trends and mindless labelling I had no need for. If you can’t hum it or play it on a simple acoustic instrument it’s not a candidate song. Once the layers are tracked I listen to it enough times until I identify words, melody lines and images of situations in my head before I start jotting down lyrics with a theme in mind. The cover images you see on Spotify and YouTube are such mental images and were there even before the songs were recorded. The lyrics however are never the primary focus but a supplement to the riffs and atmosphere. Riffs Speak Louder. Let the riffs begin🤘🏻




What has TVERRBEKKLI to do with Norwegian Metal as a source of inspiration? As mentioned on Instagram you are listening to a guitar part I wrote when I was 16 years old. You are looking at Tverrbekkli which used to be my grandmother’s farm in Nordland (Northern Norway). I wanted to record a pure, raw and unrefined guitar instrumental resonating with the past and that harsh and yet beautifully located place. Against all odds she was able to move to Oslo to what she called civilisation to raise my father and uncles. I deliberately recorded only one take to avoid unsuitable big production vibes. When she served dinner she often said “det er jo bare noka sarv” (translated to it’s just some scrap I put together) even though the food was always prepared with great care😅 For me the song is a break from modern hectic situations. It’s a reminder to accept imperfections and to never complain when you can just do your best and get on with it. Things weren’t easier at Tverrbekkli in the middle of nowhere at the time. Tverrbekkli is out on@spotifyand other platforms Friday May 29th..”det er jo bare noka sarv” I put together 🤛🏻




Speaking of the past this is me same time I wrote the main theme of TVERRBEKKLI (raw cut out now), which is likely to appear again as a fuller production. As you know my old band Dhvaras was resurrected as@talesofdhvarasover two decades after I discontinued my band and cut my hair due to mandatory military service. A lot of talented metal heads in Groruddalen, Norway suddenly disappeared from the scene when they left for the military. When that’s said I’m grateful I convinced my bass player and friend Ruben@dragebassto get back to it and record some good old Forest rock again as we called it. *



As we are all keen to get to the next release and so on it´s equally important to understand the past and where we are coming from. Otherwise it doesn´t matter where we are headed towards.

As you know I’ve been posting cabin photos where I finalised two songs. Here’s bass player Ruben@dragebassand I doing our mandatory sauna snow jumping and flexing six packs at the cabin as 17 year olds😂 In fact Ruben was the first one to teach me the basics in music when I was 14 years old. By that time he was already a skilled musician. I never worshipped idols but I’m grateful to be friends with the people I look up to instead. Same thing goes for Håvard@haavardofficialwho played in Ulver and now started@doldvorde. He’s been a huge influence, but we’re just laid back friends feeding off each other’s energy and appreciating each other’s passion for creating music




Just two metal heads flexing six packs as 17 year olds 1994.

Kyrre and Ruben at the cabin 1994.

Once upon a time in Groruddalen 1996.

That´s it for now. No more talk about the past. Let´s look forward next. A new song is coming up. More about that shortly!



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